The Best Sales Questions To Ask: 20 Open-ended Sales Questions You Should Ask On Sales Calls

June 12, 2023
Business Development

When you are on sales calls with potential customers, taking advantage of your time is important.

It’s a small window, but you or your sales rep want to ensure you get as much information on your clients as possible. It’s also a great time to learn about your individual prospects to build a healthy working relationship. It’s all about asking the right questions. Here are 20 questions you should ask your prospects on a sales call.

The best sales questions to ask.

Best Sales Qualification Questions About Your Projects

During the qualifying stage, finding out as much information as possible about your prospect is important. By the end of the call, you should know whether or not your solution will be a fit for them or if they aren’t a good fit for your business. Either way, it’s important to know what questions to ask. Here’s what you need to ask to learn more about a lead.

  1. What are your thoughts on our solution?
  2. What are your concerns right now?
  3. What’s your timeline for purchasing a solution?
  4. How soon are you looking to get your program started?
  5. What have you tried to resolve the issues you’re having? What happened?

Open-ended Sales Questions to Learn Pain Points

If you have any chance of providing the right solution for your client, you need to make sure to ask questions discussing their pain points. Understanding your customers' issues helps position your product or service as the best solution. Maybe there are more ways you can serve them than you initially thought. Make sure you are providing the best solution.  Here are five questions you can ask - questions like:

  1. What’s the current solution you are using to solve your problem? Is it working?
  2. What are the challenges that your team is facing?
  3. What are the goals your business is trying to reach?
  4. What have you done to resolve the problems you’re having? What happened?
  5. What’s your strategy today? Why?

Questions To Ask ToBuild Rapport And Close the Deal With a Prospect

To have a healthy working relationship, it never hurts for salespeople to ask questions that aren’t business-focused and can help build rapport. Don’t forget that we are all humans first, so it is helpful to start conversations discussing other things about work. These five questions will help to start a friendly conversation with your prospect.

  1. What did you do last weekend?
  2. What’s happening in your company these days?
  3. How did you start at {{company}}?
  4. Any big vacation plans this summer?
  5. What do you like to do outside of work?

Open-ended Questions For Sales Pros To Help Improve Your Pitch

After closing a deal, you don’t want to cut communications with the customer. Sometimes it can be helpful to learn how your solution was brought to their attention. Knowing what's been getting engagement is important so you can double down on that method for more clients. Use this time to learn what’s been working for your company so you can focus on the right channels. You can ask your clients:

  1. What made you reach out to us?
  2. What made you decide to use our product or service?
  3. Would you feel comfortable referring us to someone who could use our solution?
  4. Any channels you think we should explore?
  5. Any thoughts on how we can improve?

Leverage open-ended questions to get the most out of your client. It’s important to ask the right questions to learn enough about your prospect and ensure you’re a good fit for each other. It’s also a great way to build up your network of people you can get referrals from. You can leave no stone unturned by using some of the questions listed above.

Hit Up Key Prospects To Outsource and Improve Your Sales Process

If you want to generate more meetings to ask some of these questions above, ask this question: why shouldn't I outsource getting meetings and get more monthly deals? Then, contact us at Key Outreach. We specialize in setting high-quality meetings with decision-makers, allowing you and your team to close more deals monthly. Learn more about how our process has helped us book over 400 meetings across our clients in 30 business days.

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